Saturday, October 11, 2014

Watching Other People Live Their Lives

     So I'm sitting in Starbucks. Right now, as I type this. I just came from an mixed emotional morning watching the Punk play football. He rocked it...scoring three touchdowns and leading his team to a 20-0 victory. 

     The other part was that the Ex was there.  It's been six months since we have spoken to each other or seen each other outside of a courthouse. 

     I was thrilled to see my son play.  But, Just the sight of the Ex gets me feeling some kind of way about life in general.  So...I decided after the game, to come here and have a cuppa joe.  It's my daytime equivalent of cracking open a cold one. 

I love hanging out here.  Normally it would be with my friend, Nice Guy Bobby. There has, sadly, been some distance between us lately.  So I'm at the Spot solo.  

Normally, The Nice Guy and I would sit...drink coffee...and just people watch, while finding any number of random things to discuss.  This practice became known as Shimming and Shamming.  And we were pros.  

Today, I needed to shake off the feeling that I had after spending an hour and a half with my Ex within line of sight. Funny how we retreat to the familiar when things get uncertain around us.  

     I ordered my usual and took a seat in one of the comfy leather chairs by the window. It was at that point that I decided to fall into one of my comfort zones.  

     I started watching, observing...seeing what I could see around me.   The people have been flowing in and out in a steady stream since I sat down. And I am not disappointed.  

     After about half an hour of watching, it occurred to me...I am almost shimming and shamming...all by myself.  I just need someone to talk to.  

     That's where you all come in. 

     I pulled out my trusty phone and started snapping pictures.  

     People fascinate me.  The diversity of the clientele makes for an interesting time for a guy who loves just observing.  It's even more fun for a guy who likes to write about what he observes. 

     There was the girl who had her nose to her phone the entire time she sat there.  (Says the guy eyeball deep as he types a blog post on his phone!)  it honestly made me wonder what was so interesting on her screen.  

     I observed the older patrons.  The old man waiting for his wife as she ordered.  I think he was people watching just as much as I was.  There was also the old guy by the window reading his paper.  

     I couldn't help but chuckle out loud at the guy walking in, mirrored sunglasses remaining firmly in place over his eyes (which is where they stayed the whole time...).'s cloudy and rainy today.  He ordered and took at seat at the bar and proceeded to smoke his electronic vapor inhaler thingamahoochy as he continued to protect his eyes from harmful UV Rays.  People like this will henceforth be referred to as "Chads."

     I'd like to explain why there is not a picture of this Chad.  

     Chads are an epidemic that have been plaguing this nation for decades.  It all started When the first collar was popped on a polo shirt, and now continues as Chads wear their sunglasses indoors, or park directly under the NO PARKING sign because they are going to "just run in real quick."  

     I, for one, would like to see Chads put to an end.  Therefore, while the picture would have been you can almost SEE his ego oozing off of him...I cannot in good conscience promote or glorify such heinous creatures.  I feel I have already given too much attention to this particular Chad.  

     So...moving on....

     There are the college kids, all studying or doing homework on their laptops.  The crowd that just finished a session of yoga or Pilates or whatever the current fitness trend is, came in and ordered their skinny lates and frapes. 

     I watched them all, and for a while...I forgot my own issues and frustrations.  I got lost in the "what if's" and the "why's" of who they were or might be.  

     As odd as it may sound, it felt good to see that life was happening all around me. That things were normal...or as normal as they can be in our twisted little world.  It surprised me that I felt this way, but I decided to go with it.  

     It just re-assured me that the world is still going to be here when the dust settles.  That normal doesn't stop...sometimes is just changes.  The Spot used to be something I did with my best friend.  I learned today that while I may not hang with him as much, I can still enjoy the things I always have.  

     The "new normal" may take a little getting used to. But it's not as scary as I thought it would be. I found my comfort zone, again.  

     All it took was a few moments to breathe, and check out life around me.  It's amazing what you can find out about yourself when you're watching other people live their lives.  


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