About the Everyman...

Alright...check it out...

     So what's this blog all about? It's about life....and all the things in it. What’s life? Life is the series of moments that makes up each and every one of our days....and as each day rolls into the next, and the next and the next and....yeah, that feeling you just got as you anticipated the next "and the next"....THAT'S life.  It's traffic, and women, and bars, and work, and more traffic, and food...music, movies, TV, cars, concerts, traveling, and sometimes just staying at home chillin out.

     Who am I?  I'm Luke.  You can call me Sarge. I've been around the block once or twice, and I've learned a thing or two about life. The biggest thing I’ve learned...is that I shouldn’t just let life HAPPEN as I go through the day. I live life. I observe it. I watch all the things that go on around me. I've got opinions on just about everything. And this is where I'm gonna Sound Off about all of it.
     This blog isn't just me. It's you. It's the guy in the cubicle next to you. It's your boss, your brother, your best friend, and sometimes it's your girlfriend...it's Everyman. It's all the stuff you see, you live, and you do.  It’s living…like Everyman wants to live.

     It’s going to the gym so you can get the girl, and then going to work twelve hours a day so you can afford to KEEP the girl. It’s an all black, American Made V6 doing 90 in the fast lane and giving the finger to the hybrid that just judged you as you nearly blew it off the road.  It’s an inch thick Porterhouse with a side of potatoes and bacon because salad…is what FOOD eats.  It’s going to the movies or watching TV and saying, “What the hell were they thinking?  I can do it better and here’s why…”   

     But it’s not just all testosterone fueled man crap.  Sure…there’s a lot of that.  But there’s also a lot of observations.  I mean, I’ve noticed a lack of common sense amongst my fellow humans lately, and I’ve just got to get that stuff off my chest.  Yeah, It’s everything that Everyman does in his life…in YOUR life.  It's everything you've ever wanted to say about the life you live, but you just didn't know how.

     I'll be here covering the things we care about...the things that matter to the Average Everyman.  I'm sure you'll find that I talk about something that gets you fired up.  So grab a beer, kick back in the recliner…and check it out.


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