Alright, check it out. When I decided to go to Savannah, I looked up some cool things to do. I found a Savannah bucket list online...that's where I learned about The House of Mata Hari. One of the other things the bucket list said to do was go to this place called Nourish and buy something called "Don't Bug Me" soap. This was one of the stores I stopped by on the first day. The problem was the soap smelled like a citronella candle. Not a fan. So I opted not to buy it.
I should have bought the soap.
After a short drive to Bonaventure cemetery, I grabbed the camera and headed past the sculpture topped gateway. It was raining...which I thought was appropriate..and it seriously added to the creepiness factor of the whole experience. The humidity was hovering somewhere near a thousand percent, so I was barely through the gate before I was drenched in sweat. didn't bother me. The intermittent rain showers cooled me off, and I was really excited to get some killer pictures. after about five minutes of amateur photographer time...something very important occurred to me.
I should have bought that soap.
There's something about old cemeteries. There's a haunting beauty that draws me in. I see the headstones, or in the case of many of the graves at Bonaventure...the sculptures....and my mind drifts. Add in the odd beauty of the Spanish Moss hanging low, almost as if the trees themselves were mourning the passing of the residents of this beautiful garden...and it's simply mesmerizing. I walked through the cemetery and just took in the surroundings. The shutter on the camera clicked at least a hundred times before I made it to the end of the first walkway. I realized two things.
1) I will rarely see anything this beautiful again in my life.
2) I definitely should have bought that soap.

I was lost in the cemetery. Not the kind of lost that I didn't know where I was...the kind of lost where time and the rest of the world outside the gates didn't exist anymore. It was amazing. The sculptures were gorgeous. The scenery was breathtaking. After a few hours, and a few hundred pictures, it was time to leave. The pending storm was also a big motivator. So I drove back into Savannah's historic district and headed toward the river walk.

I have....mixed feelings....about the river walk.
The river walk is a long row of old cotton warehouses along the river. These buildings were used to store the cotton shipped up and down the river in the country's infancy. The history of the walk is very cool. The look of the buildings is interesting. Some of the restaurants on the River Walk are really nice. For a good burger, stop by the Boar's Head. A good burger and a beer was much needed after the sauna that was Bonaventure.
The thing that bugs me about the River Walk is...well....there are a couple of things. As I mentioned, I like the buildings. Some of the shops are interesting. But the problem with the shops on the that they are a little too....boardwalk tourist trap...for my liking. If there was only one, that would probably be fine. But it felt like every other shop down there was a T-Shirt and Souvenir shop. I think there's so much potential down there...the location is prime...and it's Savannah! There are PLENTY of creative, weird, quirky, interesting people that could open a shop down there that doesn't sell "I 'heart' Savannah" T-Shirts.
The other the view. It's a mile (maybe...I don't know...but it felt like it when I walked it end to end) of RIVER FRONT retail and commercial space. There is a historic Pirate ship (ok...not really a pirate ship...but it looks like one, and I love I'm calling it a pirate ship.) Aside from that....there isn't much to look at on the river side of things. That is...unless you're a fan of industrial cranes and construction equipment. When it boils down to it, I prefer the squares and City Market over the River Walk. But, maybe that's just me.
Mother nature decided I was done with the River Walk at just about the same time as I did. So...back in the car and back to home base. The plan was to not have a plan and just chill for the night. It had been a long day...I was looking forward to relaxing.
As night fell, the temperature dropped. It had been a few hours and my legs had recovered from the cemetery and the river. I wanted to get out and enjoy some 'fresh air.' One of the fun things about Savannah is that you can drink on the streets...yes...'grown up drinks.' As long as they are in plastic cups, you can take your bender with you when you leave the bars! Or, in our case...the home base. So,with a couple of cups of Sangria in hand, we headed out to Monterey Square.
During the walk around the city the first day, I stopped in a little cigar shop. I smiled and said Hi to the girl working behind the counter. Then I made it perfectly clear that I didn't smoke, but it was part of the bucket list to share a cigar and a drink with my best friend in one of the coolest places I could find. (My personal bucket list...not the one I found online.) She was very nice, and did her best not to laugh at me. She helped me pick out two cigars and assured me that they would be good. They were her favorites.
So there we a square in Savannah, drinking Sangria, listening to a passing ghost tour, and smoking a cigar. The girl from the shop was right. These were good cigars. They were sweet, and not too....heavy, I guess would be a way to describe them. It was a good time. We just talked, and laughed. It was the relaxing night I wanted. As we snuffed out the cigars and finished the Sangria, I thought of only one thing that could have made it better...
I should have bought that damn soap!
The next morning was nice. The rain had passed and the temperatures had gone down from the day before. I was up and ready to go by 10:00 A.M, which is good, because I had to get in line for Mrs.Wilkes House restaurant for an early lunch. Mrs. Wilkes House Dinning Room is this amazing restaurant that treats you just like family. Seriously. They seat you at tables of ten, and you don't eat until the table is full. I suggest getting in line and immediately getting to know those in line with you...because you will be sitting with them at the dinning room table. The staff treats you life family...welcoming you, asking if you want sweet tea, unsweet tea, or water, and reminding you to keep your elbows off the table and to pass the Lima beans when someone asks for them.
The food itself was pure comfort food. It was delicious!! The spread was amazing, and reminded me of growing up, and Sylvania Heights Baptist Church's fellowship lunches. Green Beans, mashed sweet potatoes, dressing (which, I apparently have been mistakenly calling 'stuffing' all these years), pork BBQ, a beef stew that melted in your mouth, and about a dozen other items were passed around the table. And the fried chicken...WOW. It was absolutely amazing. Then, for dessert, they brought out homemade banana pudding! And...just like have to clear your own plate and take it to the kitchen to be washed. Arrive early (by 10:30)...and come hungry....because if you're anything like me, you won't walk out of Mrs. will roll out!
I decided to walk Forsythe Park. The fountain in the park is rather well known. You can tell because half the Savannah post cards have its picture on them. So I wanted to take some cool fountain pictures of my own. The park has a small cafe in the middle of it, and I went in for a coffee. While there...two guys almost got into a fight while I was in line. I guess some things are the same no matter where you go in the country.
After Forsythe, I did some more sight seeing. Jones street, in the historic district, has been voted the most beautiful street in America. So...naturally I wanted some pictures of that too. was a nice relaxing day. I wanted to take it kind of easy, because I knew it was the last night in Savannah and I had a plan to make it memorable.
On Bull St, in Savannah, there is a particular bar. This bar is home to 200 Martinis and 200 Beers. On this night...I was there for the Martinis. The bar is Jen's and Friends. And the Martinis are...well, (*assume the Morpheus matrix voice) I can't TELL you about Jen's and Friends Martinis...I have to show you! Wait...I'm a writer...I HAVE to tell you or I need to rethink this career choice. The martinis are the ingenious combination of some of America's favorite treats...and alcohol. The flavors range from Snickers, S'mores, and Rice crispy treats to fruit flavors, Chai, and something called a Scooby Snack.
As soon as I entered the bar I knew I would like it. The place was small, but well laid out. The bar along one wall and a couple tables along the other. The decor was cool....with a pyramid of bad ass martini glasses mounted on one wall. I liked the fact that it wasn't too loud. They were playing music, but it was background noise and didn't overpower the room. The bartender was...simply put....awesome.
The bartender greeted me as I walked in and was with me in just a couple short moments after I sat at the bar. She was fast...and good at what she did. She handled the steady flow of patrons with ease. It was clear she knew the regulars and what they liked to drink. When I asked Mary Anne, the bartender, about what she liked about the job, she said, "I'm a chemist with booze and candy. And I get to wear flip flops instead of a lab coat."
I started with a Snickers Martini. It was amazing. The glass was rimmed with chocolate, caramel and nuts, and then garnished with a fun size snickers candy bar. The drink itself was smooth and complimented the sweet flavors of the candy VERY well. My next drink was something called a Scooby Snack. The flavors mixed in my mouth and made me say, "ooh, eeh heh heh" (Like Scooby Doo....), and as I finished the drink it made me say, "Ruh Roh."
I had a great time and will definitely go back the next time I am in Savannah. It was a great time for my last night in town.
Looking back, I really enjoyed the time away. Often times when we NEED time away, we don't allow ourselves to truly relax and enjoy the break from the rest of our hectic, busy, frustrating and sometimes flat out shitty lives. I did that. I took in the sights around. me. I took pictures...with the hopes that I can show you the world the way I see it. So when you need to get away...and get out of you head...DO IT. But really do it. Forget whatever troubles and frustrations you got away from, will be there when you get back. Enjoy the time away, whether it is at a crazy Martini bar, smoking a cigar with your best friend, traveling back in time to a 1920's speak easy...or just strolling through the Garden of Good and Evil.
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